I haven't written in a while and that really is all my fault. I could say I've been wickedly busy (which is true), but I still found time do watch BBC iPlayer so...yeah.
But I'm back now and I'll fill you in on what's really been going on.
To start, I'm still in London and working well at school and at work--i.e. using work commitments to procrastinate on coursework. But that's still productive, right?
I've been to Brighton, and Bath. I've taken selfies with Elvis and Stonehenge. I've been a right ol' traveller, I have.
Chillin' with my druid friends. |
That Elvis tho.... |
I've also consumed a fair bit of fermented drink, if you know what I mean. However, those are the pleasures of Blighty and they will sure be missed when I'm gone.
I've also made friends, the best of whom has been a young Chicagoan (I really don't know what they call themselves... I must ask), called Ryan with whom I have embarked upon adventures during my time here.
I also was reunited with my cousin Dominique who I haven't seen for around 6 years. When we last saw each other, we were both under five foot tall and prepubescent. She's now 6 feet tall in heels and towers over me. I'm forever jealous of her ability to source things from high shelves and she envies my shoe size. Despite our vertical differences, we've clicked and have spent time giggling, taking selfies, and drinking Caramel Macchiatos-- so basic, but so good.

This gal has been frolicking around London and other parts of England for the past month, exploring, eating, and being terrified by pigeons. This weekend I shall be travelling to Northumbria to see an old friend-- a girl I haven't seen in nearly a decade. I'm nervous about if we'll click back like it was 2007 or if it'll be awkward. I'm also very excited. We've more or less stayed in constant contact over the years via e-mail and later FaceBook, Twitter, and even Skype; but this will be our first in person meeting and she has lovely green hair.
I'd love to end this blog post by promising to write something next week, but I know if I did I'd probably be a rotten liar. I'll try, okay? I'll make something momentous worth writing about happen-- unless you'd like to read a type-off of my Tesco purchases. If the latter is the case, you can have your next post within a week, if I can find the receipts.
Until then!