Monday, May 19, 2014

I'm sick, here are somethings I do in times like these.

I put the fan on last night, knowing what it would do to me. Now, I have a slight temperature, sore throat, puffy eyes and a lack of appetite to die for.
Here are some things that I do when I have a flu that you may also indulge in:

1. Wrap yourself up in your blanket to become a burrito of despair. This helps you to keep warm whilst simultaneously hiding the hideous snot-ridden face you now occupy.
2. Drink green tea until you turn green. Add honey to soothe your throat too.
3.Use this opportunity to audition for your own TV drama called, "I Wish I Still Lived With My Mum", staring you, daydreaming about your mum bringing you soup and rubbing your back with vapour rub.
4. Microwave some canned soup and fall asleep before you could eat it.
5. Appease your headache by thinking about walking over to get that Paracetamol, but be too lazy to get up and go for it in fear of making your headache worse.
6.Cough until you are sure that you are bringing up chunks of lung.
7. Permanently look as if you're high on weed; red eyes, glazed eyes and a facial expression of confusion is in vogue, Baby.
8.Get your entire daily food allowance from throat drops. Taste that suspiciously tasting "Cherry".
9. If you go outside, make sure you wear a hat, scarf, sunglasses, jacket, the whole shebang. You need to look as shady as possible.
10. Accept the fact that you're hot. I mean, you're temperature  is 37.8 degrees celsius and you have that dewy, shiny, Miranda Kerr-like luminescence about you.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


I got a job today.. it's an unpaid internship actually but it is better than nothing. I'm now a proud Staff Writer at ReadWave-- basically the YouTube of blogging. This is my page. You can take a gander if you please.

I will keep writing this blog though so do not feel abandoned my friends!!


Twitter: @TunaxSardines.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Finals Week!

Woop! Where has the semester gone!? It's final's week already! College students are now liable for panic attacks, unsolicited fits of rage and the casual cry. My first Final is today actually, an Economics Final. I'm procrastinating by writing, but also calming myself down.

If I hear one more quote about the Grossman Model or Expected Utility I will top myself. Why is is that when I am perfectly sane (in comparison) all semester-round, I find myself near the edge of insanity the sight of exams? I drink twice the caffeine, stay up twice as late and eat more scones. No wonder I don't have a bikini.

I guess I should get off the laptop and open my textbook, but I should also be drinking  eight glasses of water a day. I DON'T ALWAYS DO WHAT IS RECOMMENDED-- I am a rebel like that.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

For a brief moment in my life, I had John Green in it.

See this line, yeah its long.

If I got to time travel as myself as a 45 year old and ask myself in the future "18 year old Me: "What is the best weekend in your life so far?" I would first say, "Today, because I met myself and she is fine!" 

Jokes aside, it would have to be this weekend. I met Russell Howard, then spend a collosall six hours in line to see a free fan screening of The Fault in Our Starts. For those living under a rock or over the age of 30, The Fault In Our Stars (or TFIOS) is a Young Adult Novel written by the masterful John Green. Green is the writer of many other YA novels such as Looking For Alaska and Paper Towns. I've read them all, and I have to say that TFIOS is one of his best works yet and I am proud of his newfound mainstream success. John and his brother, Hank run a YouTube Channel called "vlog brothers" where they gave up calling and texting in exchange for weekly video blogs telling each other about life changes or serious news stuff. Needless to say, as "the teen whisperers" John and Hank together have amassed a following of mostly young people who call them self "nerdfighters". I'm proud to subscribe to this group along with many friends.

He signed my poster and took my iPhone to snap me and Nat Wolf (thanks!)
On Saturday 3rd May, there was a screening of the TFIOS movie at the SVA theatre in Chelsea, New York at 6:30. I got there at 4 and there were already people in the line excess of 200. The theatre could only hold 495. The first group went in, and the organisers, taking pity on the rest of us, organised a second screening. We received green tickets and went to Starbucks. In the line I met a girl called Sarah who came with her mum. As fellow nerdfighters we damn well hit it off and she became a great friend in the 6 hours I spend with her. We Karaoke sang to the song track on the train and talked about books, politics and whined about the screaming 14 year old girls who wouldn't shut their mouths or ovaries. 

I won't spoil the movie  for the cretins that didn't read the book, but I will say of was very true to the book, my inner hipster had nearly every song on the soundtrack on her iPod already and was eager to get the ones she didn't and I haven't cried so much since I was an infant. 

The director, Josh Boone and the actors brought the book to life well and lead me to resent the Mortal Instruments adaption of 2013 even more by comparison. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Russell !

As a part of my New Year's Resolution to be more adventurous and seize the day more, I decided to go for a Friday night out! Here comes the girls! (I.e. single girl, at a comedy club by herself). Living in New York, I like it, but I still miss the time I spent in England so I get really excited when things that remind me of Warwickshire. When I was searching ticket master in February for something to do and came across a wild Russell Howard live ticket for just $25.00 I nearly screamed. His tickets in England sell for at least £50.00! It was a proper bargain so I snatched them up before ticket master could dare to jack up the prices. Most Americans may not have heard or Russell, but he was on the Conan O'Brien show a year or so back. He is a good natured comedian. A bit naughty, and easily childish (not to mention devishly handsome). His humour is a observant; he includes stories about his amusing family, and awkward live experiences he has had. He seems to attract nutters galore.

When they arrived in the post five days later, I pinned them to my clipboard in anticipation. 
Friday the 2nd of May approached and I left my house at 4:30, as doors opened at 6 and I wanted a a good seat. I got to the venue on the Lower West Side of Manhattan, a bar and club called the "Highline Ballroom". I ordered a margarita and some sweet potato chips. I got a really good seat as by 5:30 there were no seats left and people had to stand. I got sat next to a foursome from Birmingham. Two couples who seem I be great old friend and came across the tickets by chance when in Times Square and given a flyer (note to self:  accept more flyers in Time Square, you never know what you'll find!). 

We chatted, I had another drink, they had      a few cans of Stella. Russell's support act came on, a bloke called Mark Normand-- a native New Yorker. He was funnier than I expected! Then, the man of the hour came on for an hour and twenty minutes full of laughs, six foot penises, in-jokes for those us who have seen his show (Russell Howard's Good News--highly recommend it) and a heart-warming  story about a teenager who survived cancer whom he befriended. 

After wards he came out for pictures. I told him I used to live near where he does in Leamington Spa and I'm studying Economics like he did in Bristol. "It's a small world," he said. We took a picture together, he gave me a hug and peck on the cheek, told me good luck and then like Cinderella I rushed off. Not because my dress was going to turn into rags, but the car I ordered to bring me home was outside and I really didn't want to be stranded in Manhattan.